The Riggs
family lives in
Alva, Florida. They have backgrounds, interests, hobbies, etc. which you should find
interesting (if not unusual).
Dad is a Florida native (born in Fort Myers); however, Maw was born in Brooklyn, New York
and she has managed somehow to put up with the "Old Man" for over
35 years.
enjoys eating swamp cabbage seasoned with "***" (Everglades Seasoning)
of course. Dad and his kids (Robbie, Paul, & Jennifer) play paintball (ouch!) for fun.
Maw has a stuffed (mounted) dachshund named George
who accompanies Maw on trips, weddings, or just about any occasion.
Take a look at these interesting (plain weird) people and check out some of the many links
to other websites which are found in each of their biographies.
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created 9/19/97 (Rev.
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